Best Practice Content Submission
This application should be completed by those interested in submitting Best Practices for publication.
Best Practices are a synopsis of accessible, relevant, and efficient best practices on occupational safety, health, and/or environmental topics for use in the EHS field. Best practices can, but do not have to be research based. Accepted best practices will be developed with assistance by SHIFT through research or practice.
The Best Practice Committee, a group of CSP holders from diverse EHS backgrounds, will assist in the review and development of the Best Practice.
Best Practice Submission Checklist
The following are required for submission:
- Author contact information
- Author Resumé (Include total years of experience in EHS field)
- Best Practice Synopsis (Include total time of utilization)
- Intended Media Choice
- Idea of Support Needed
- Signed Statement of Originality
Additional questions and concerns may be addressed to